The Foundation.
The Rhondolyn Evett Dearbonne-Morris IBC
Research & Scholarship Foundation (REDM Foundation)
is a 501(c)(3) organization devoted to IBC awareness.
The mission of the foundation is to promote IBC awareness, contribute to the cause of inflammatory breast cancer research, connect the community with health resources, and provide adversity and need-based academic scholarships to prospective college students.
The Rhondolyn Evett Dearbonne-Morris Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research and Scholarship Foundation (REDM Foundation) was founded in the summer of 2016. The foundation was started by Evett's close friends and family members to carry on the spirit of charity and health promotion that Evett championed during her life and year-long battle with cancer.
To reduce the incidence of death resulting from inflammatory breast cancer by increasing awareness, providing education, and providing health screenings and other resources.
To provide scholarships to students who have experienced trauma or adversity, thus assisting them in continuing their educations, earning degrees, bettering themselves and their communities through education, and becoming a contributing member of society.
To provide funding annually to the Inflammatory Breast Cancer Research team at MD Anderson Cancer Center.